Western Medicine Has Woefully Neglected Preventative Cures

Mushrooms certainly are a vast and largely untapped source of powerful medicinal applications and one of the very most mysterious and magical arises from the deepest forests of Russia called Siberian Chaga (Latin name "Inonotus Obliquus") In the Orient medicinal mushroom usage is legendary, useful for centuries in promoting good health and vitality, anti aging and youthfulness, probiotic balancing 8 immunity enhancement. They are currently used as adjuncts in Japan, China, Korea and Russia for cancer, aids, heart, cholesterol, tumor, stomach, allergy, virus, herpes and other bodily diseases.

Siberian Chaga is extremely unique and very rare. The most effective species are harvested once every twenty years from select high altitude Birch trees. Out of 10,000 aged trees only 3-4 are classified as "Grade 1 or Superior Type ".Siberian Chaga grows under extreme Artic conditions nurturing in temperatures falling well below - 40°C. to -70 "C One of the very most amazing medicinal properties of Chaga versus other well known mushrooms such as for example Lingzhi, Reishi, Agaricus or Maitake lies in its extraordinary SOD antioxidant level. The SOD content of Chaga is 25-50 times greater than any known medicinal mushroom. Furthermore one serving of Chaga contains more Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) than wild blueberries. Vitamin C, beta-carotene or CoQ10.

The secrets within WILDCRAFTED SIBERIAN CHAGA were not revealed until the mushroom was fully researched in Japan, Russia, China and Europe throughout the 1980s. Over 1400 publications verify the medicinal effects for a variety of ailments affecting humans.

In Western medicine preventative cure is woefully neglected and the buyer is driven by disease states or dysfunction problems sex power medicine. Further without animal based or human clinical trials to validate the usefulness of health supplements, most consumers fail to understand medicinal mushrooms instead practice to drugs, chemotherapy or radiation. In the Orient a simultaneous health care regimen with traditional approaches is a lot appreciated and well accepted. Although Wildcrafted Siberian Chaga is viewed antidotal by many, there are thousands of satisfied users who have recovered from debilitating diseases and endorsed this powerful and magical formulary.

Wildcrafted Siberian Chaga is 100% natural, safe and non toxic. This proprietary formulation made mainly for Chaga International Inc. offers the phenomenal Pi water, a revolutionary technology that adds aura energy and deionization effects. Siberian Chaga, besides its extraordinary antioxidant content, contains over 215 phytonutrients such as for example betulinic acid, saponins, 29 alpha and beta glucans, triterpenes, natural plant sterols and an abundance of minerals, fibers and amino acids.

Scientific and clinical research studies on these constituents report promising benefits for cancer and aids recovery, neurological and heart diseases, digestive, blood glucose, immune enhancement and others. In the Orient Siberian Chaga is associated with stopping the aging process, restoring beauty and youth and boosting one's Chi or Energy level.

Jay Williams is a successful internet entrepreneur who has been marketing online for a number of years. He's spent over 10 years evaluating Home Based Internet Marketing Businesses and other "Own Your Own Businesses" otherwise known as Multi-level or Network Marketing. He's seen successful and mostly not so successful business systems; however, he's finally run into several viable, sustainable online internet home based business which feature a computerized marketing system that generates cash monthly, weekly, and daily; PROVEN results! It's his mission to talk about these findings with as much as he can. It's his believe life should be abundant in ALL areas; financial, physical, mental, relational, and spiritual! He's helped many people create their own successful businesses and live abundant lives... Most of the BEST!